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Rural Lifestyle

Title: Living a Rural Lifestyle: Everything You Wanted to Know (and More)

Meta description: There may come a time where you no longer dream of the big city. If that time is now, then it’s time to embrace our guide on living a rural lifestyle.

Living a Rural Lifestyle: Everything You Wanted to Know (and More)

 Keywords to optimize the article for: rural lifestyle

Spending too much time at home lately? Sick of the small city apartments? It may be time to move and embrace a rural lifestyle. Country living has some major benefits. When your dream is no longer to live in the hustle and bustle of the big city, move to the countryside and slow your life down a bit. Many people are fleeing cities in search of a more authentic and natural life. A life circled around family and nature rather than work and concrete. During this pandemic, working remotely has increased the need for a home office space, which city apartments don’t usually have room for. Country living and a rural lifestyle offer so much more than one might think, so keep reading to learn more.

How to Live a Rural Lifestyle

There are many things someone would need to consider when uprooting their life for a new adventure. Knowing the nitty-gritty of country living is important before taking the plunge and move.

Here are some things to know and consider:

Figure Out Where to Live

Do you want to move just outside the city or further remote than that? Do some research. Make sure the town will fits every need, interest, and hobby. There are so many options to choose from! Mountains, forest, lake, desert, New England towns. Take a look at these best small towns in America from Architectural Digest to find something that seems perfect! Many small rural areas are within driving distance to bigger cities, so visiting from time to time is possible.

Buy a Home

It is less common for apartments and rental situations in rural areas. Out in the country, one would most likely buy their own house.  There will be a yard, but it’s going to need to be mowed. No landlord here to do that. Same with any home repairs, one should be prepared to take care of that themselves.

Sit on the porch and enjoy coffee out of this Life Grows Green ceramic mug. Now, is the time to relax and enjoy the view, instead of grabbing coffee and hopping on the metro. Life will be slower, more relaxed, and more enjoyable.

Things to think about when looking for a home include the amount of land, will there be a lot to take care of? Water source, is it a well, or public water? How old the house is and the upkeep that goes with it. While owning a home is exciting, it can also be tough – make sure to know what issues could be with the house. Definitely have an inspection done before purchasing a house.

Be Self-Sufficient

With all this land and time, it is the perfect time to plant a garden! Guaranteeing the food being consumed is pesticide-free and organic! Many states have legalized cannabis and in some states, it is now legal to grow it. Know local laws before planting anything that might not be allowed in that particular state.  If making your own edibles out of your freshly grown cannabis seems interesting, check out this guide we have on how to make edibles.

In the country, livestock is welcome depending on the zoning structure. Rural areas are much more animal-friendly than urban areas and often have fewer zoning rules and regulations.

Raise chickens and never have to buy an egg again! Just be sure there isn’t a rooster in the mix unless raising baby chicks is the goal. Here are some very valuable tips on raising chickens.

Being self-sufficient, and utilizing the land to feed the community is very satisfying. Even simple things like growing herbs inside can be refreshing.

Less to Do or More to Do?

Some people will say that there is less to do in a rural area. That’s not completely true. Sure, in a city there are bars, restaurants, etc… but in rural areas, there are the great outdoors! Modifying hobbies a bit may be necessary, but there is so much to do.  Fishing, camping, bonfires, mountain biking, cycling… the possibilities are endless. When searching for a town to move to, take into consideration the outdoor activities that are readily available. Hiking is a great outdoor activity that can be done every day. Taking time to explore and enjoy the nature around is encaptivating. There are hiking trails all over the world, but make sure to know the difficulty of the hike and be prepared before going.

Check out these beginner hiking tips and get ready for the next great (or small) adventure.

Internet and Cell Service?

One major downfall of any rural area is cell service and internet access. Some extremely rural areas still don’t have internet access and cell phone service! If working remotely or just wanting access to the rest of the world, internet and cell service will definitely be needed, unless living off the grid is the plan. Use this AT&T map to check and see if service and internet are available in whatever area that is chosen.  It can seem stressful to not have cell service, but it also will result in less screen time and more appreciation for the smaller things in life.

Cheaper Cost of Living

Generally, the cost of living in a rural area is much less than that of the city. Housing is more affordable and someone would likely buy a house and have a mortgage. This is a much better investment than renting, as it insures a return on the investment.  Cooking at home more and ordering take-out less will result in less money being spent, as well as spending less on clothing and accessories. One added expense might be a car if a person doesn’t already have one.

Most grocery shopping can be done at the local farmer’s markets or at local farms. Represent our CBD company and carry our reusable canvas tote bag. Some things will still have to be purchased at big box stores, stock up on essentials to lessen visits to the city or a more urban area.  Farmer’s markets are usually cheaper than grocery stores for organic produce. Some even have vendors that offer farm-fresh meats and local baked goods. Sometimes mom-and-pop grocery stores will also sell local products at an affordable price.


When living in a city setting, often one can remain anonymous and avoid eye contact with anyone who lives around them. That won’t be the case in a small town. Neighbors will become friendly acquaintances, if not good friends.  They will help shovel the driveway, bring cookies over when they’ve made too many, and help in any way that they can.

People in small towns and rural areas tend to trust more and are a lot more welcoming than people in cities. Small towns are very community-oriented, and living in the country can sometimes make life seem like a TV movie.

Adopt All the Dogs

Without the extra pet fees of apartment living, adopting all the dogs is now an option. A major benefit to country living is the freedom to have animals. Any pups that have been living in the city would be very happy to have a yard to run around in. One of the downfalls of having a dog in an urban area is that there aren’t many areas where the dog can be off-leash. While in a rural area, it is almost uncommon for a dog to be on a leash. When moving a dog from the city to the country, they may have a hard time adjusting. Try these CBD dog treats to help calm them down. Also, use them if the dog doesn’t do well in  the car and needs a little help getting through the ride.

Employment Opportunities

While finding a job in a rural location is possible, there will be a lot fewer local employment opportunities. It is not uncommon for someone living in a rural area to have to drive 45 minutes to an hour to and from work each day. Thankfully, a lot of businesses are beginning to offer remote working. It is being presumed that remote opportunities will double in 2021, and by 2025 70% of the workforce will be remote! Being able to work remotely and live in a rural area is the best of all worlds. Imagine being able to work on a back deck while listening to the bird’s chirp, not a siren around. That sounds perfect.

Or perhaps starting a business. There might be something a person can offer a small community that they don’t already have!

Raising Kids 

Rural lifestyles are famous for being ideal for family living. If someone is planning to start, grow a family, or already have a family, country living is going to be perfect. The cost of child care tends to be less and more available in rural areas. Public education is usually of higher quality, has smaller class sizes, and has a better teacher-to-student ratio.

Raising children in a rural community with access to nature will give them a leg up in the real world. Children who grow up in these types of environments are often more self-sufficient than the ones who are not. Real-world activities and natural consequences can teach children a lot more than a fancy preschool can.

Peaceful & Private

Rural living offers a much more private and peaceful lifestyle. The clean crisp air and not having houses or apartments so close together offers many advantages. Rural areas are often safer than urban areas, too. Less population means less crime. Fewer people also equals less noise, rural lifestyles are often very quiet.

If someone is used to city sounds, it may take a little while before sleeping in the silence is attainable. We offer CBD melatonin that can help one fall asleep. Peacefulness is nice, but the quiet can be quite a culture shock.

Better Health 

It’s interesting to know that people who live in rural areas often have better mental health. A brain is often overstimulated in a city setting and that can lead to anxiety, irritation, and other psychological issues. In a rural setting, a person doesn’t have that issue.

The sight of the stars at night and the sunrise or sunset is very calming. While it cannot actually treat any mental health issues, it can help to lessen triggers and lower stress.

One’s diet and physical health will probably improve, too. There will be healthier food options because there are very few fast-food restaurants around. The food being eaten will most likely be more whole foods and less processed and therefore much better for the body.

Since access to nature is immediate, being more physically active will also be much easier.

We Can Help

When more of the population is working remotely and needs a larger at-home workspace, there will be more people moving to the country. Additional benefits to a rural lifestyle include less pollution, less traffic, and more serenity. A rural lifestyle is achievable and extremely beneficial. Now is the time to take that leap, buy that house, plant that garden. Change your life, take care of yourself and the world, we are here to help you grow.  We can help with the transition with our CBD products. CBD is a plant-based substance that is used to treat various illnesses and disorders.

Here at Life Grows Green, we strive to make quality hemp products to promote wellness in the world.

Contact us for any of your Hemp, CBD, or cannabis needs and questions.